This file contains information on the Gulf-wide rasters for the GCPLCC SLAMM Modeling project, specifically on the file format and naming conventions. For each unique combination of sea level rise (SLR) scenario and simulation year (date), there are two files: "ESRI Projection File", with .prj extension (~1KB each) "ESRI GRIDASCII File", with .txt extension (~32GB each) These two files have been zipped together, giving a total of 25 zip files. The following naming convention is used: s** = SLR scenario, where the ** is resolved as: 05 = 0.5m 10 = 1.0m 12 = 1.2m 15 = 1.5m 20 = 2.0m y**** = the simulation year, where the **** is resolved as: base = the base year of the simulation, which varies across project areas (dependent on photo date of NWI data) 2025 = year 2025 of the simulation 2050 = year 2050 of the simulation 2075 = year 2075 of the simulation 2100 = year 2100 of the simulation Thus, a file named s12y2025.txt is the ACSII file that has been output for simulation year 2025 under the 1.2m SLR scenario. The zip files for each of the 5 different simulations were then zipped to together, for ease of handling. For example, (where "all" = all of the simulation years) contains: Thus, the following 5 zip files are available for download, each ~325MB in size: The total file size of the unzipped files is approximately 800GB.